thy blog owner.
Welcome to my tiny world of escapades! I am a self-derived party animal.
Vibrant colours, House Music are my absolute loves..
To indulge in an explosive ride of the dissonance diffusion of lights & sounds tat where ever it may brings is a hidden adrenaline... !!!
So anybody is welcome to join me!
BTW, I m just a plain jane.....w/o the needs of artificial implements to make or feel pretty,
Cuz I feel good abt myself. Love Me or Hate Me, just dun copy me!! Be it directly or indirectly!
Have a life of ur own!
Soaring through, through the night.
Skyway Avenue - We The Kings
hear your voice baby.
A tag would be nice. :D
Thanks for leaving ur bitchy gossips. Do add more!
its a big big world.
my faded memories.
spontaneous applauds
Date / Time : Monday, April 28, 2008 / 4:32 PM
我又想起你 现在窗外面又开始下着雨 眼睛干干的 有想哭的心情
我真的好想你 太多的情绪 没适当的表情
最想说的话 我该从何说起
如果没有你 没有过去 我不会有伤心
但是有如果还是要爱你 如果没有你 我在哪里
又有什么可惜 反正一切来不及 反正没有了自己
我真的好想你 不知道你现在到底在哪里
not trying to be emo, but tis is wat is my feeling is telling me...
Broke Down
Date / Time : / 3:03 PM
This song simply reflected my relationship n how i feel......
*click play to hear it
Date / Time : Wednesday, April 23, 2008 / 3:21 AM
my heart feels 'sour-sour'.....trying very hard to kip myself as busy as occupied as i can. tat i dun even dare to take a rest. there r private times tat i spend alone, eg: bathing, in the toilet, brushing teeth, smoking etc, the image of us came running in my mind.... of how we spent our times, money, strength, effort in making our 'love nest' look like a cosy place.
as my mind cant stop for a rest, tears came rolling down. i controlled but my eyes is over filled....... i was told to go back to our nest n slowly packed up my stuff.... how can i face, i dun think i can do it...
i meant only a time off.. but i was told to packed up, so the other angle will be?
i m juz so tired... i juz wanna shut dwn once again.
i really hope situations can be changed to a better level but....
OH MY GOD..... he juz took my breath away
Date / Time : Wednesday, April 16, 2008 / 5:21 AM
I have just finished watching this show - Seducing Mr Perfect - is a korean love comedy movie.
Well the story is so so only. But...... the male actor took my breath away!
Infact my soul!!! U wanna koe why? Just do the scrolling... . . . . . . . . . . . .     For those who knew tat I got a thing with guys in beanie.... Do i have any reasons not to fall in love with tis last pic?? kekeke Let me do a lil of an introduction:His name is Daniel Phillip Henney, born in 28 Nov 1979 in US. He is also an Sagittarius (my ah lau also the same). His father is an American with Irish and American Indian Background while his mum is an Korean American Adoptee. He debuted as a model in several korean and foreign ads. He rose to fame across asia via his role as Dr. Henry Kim in the drama series - 'My Name is Kim Sam Soon' n since then..... he captivate my soul............................. hahahahaha...... 
Balloon Arts
Date / Time : / 1:30 AM
I found this on the net. Can u believe tat all this are actually made from BALLONS???!!!! They are so lovely tat I decided to post it.
I think this one shud be Mandy's fav!! Everything is just so detailed!Imagine if is ur wedding gown?!

This is damn hard work man! But I really dun mind wearing if this is my wedding gown!

I like this 2 dresses very much!! So pretty!
Wear for cocktail party?!
All these beautiful dresses are created by this man!!! Creator!
Wat more can I say but --- Genius!
cute dino!!
 Does it even look fierce?!! keke....
It Is A DOG not a Towel!!!
Date / Time : Tuesday, April 15, 2008 / 9:04 AM
Tis is a REAL damn DOG not TOWEL lo!!! Is so CUTEEEEE..........lor.... Just look at those excess skin!! kekeke.... Wat u think?     Dun u just feel like pulling n pinching those skin??!!! HONESTLY!! keke....
Women Biological Point Of View
Date / Time : / 8:31 AM
I found this article rather interesting so i post in for all the women!!
Enjoy reading!!
Women and Stress Are women more stressed out than men are? Women sometimes have a reputation for being worriers. According to a 2005 Gallup poll, women are more worried about a range of social issues than men are. Significantly more women than men answered that they worried "a great deal" about seven of the 12 issues in the survey. Studies show that, in addition to worrying more often, women may be physiologically prone to experiencing more stress. For example, the amygdala of the brain processes emotions like fear and anxiety. In men, the amygdala communicates with organs that take in and process visual information, like the visual cortex. In women, though, it communicates with parts of the brain that regulate hormones and digestion. This may mean that stress responses are more likely to cause physical symptoms in women than in men [Source: Live Science].
In addition, women's bodies produce more stress hormones than men's bodies do. Once a stressful event is over, women's bodies also take longer to stop producing the hormones. This may be a cause or an effect of women's tendency to replay stressful events in their minds and think about upsetting situations [Source: Psychology Today].
Are women more jealous than men are?
In some people's minds, women are more jealous and possessive than men are, especially in the context of romantic relationships. But research suggests that women aren't more jealous than men -- they're just jealous about different situations. In one German study, researchers showed participants images of several scenarios. The participants used a computer to describe which of the scenarios would be more upsetting. The results suggest that, across cultures, women find emotional infidelity more upsetting than sexual infidelity.
Men's responses varied across cultures, but in general they were jealous of sexual infidelity [Source: Human Nature].
On the other hand, a study at the University of California at San Diego measured participants' blood pressure and heart rate rather than asking them to describe their responses. Men had greater physical reactions to physical infidelity, while woman reacted with about the same intensity to both scenarios. Women who were in committed relationships were more upset by physical infidelity than those who were not. However, 80 percent of the women in the study thought emotional infidelity would be more upsetting to them than physical infidelity [Source: Psychology Today].
Next, we'll look at some common perceptions of how women learn and communicate. Having Jobs and Leaving Jobs As more women entered the American work force in the 1980s, a common stereotype was that women could not hold a job. One study shows that this stereotype is at least somewhat accurate -- women tend to change jobs more often than men do. However, the researchers also speculate that this is because women receive less fulfilling work than men do [Source: Psychology Today].
Sweet Surprises.... Bitter Symphony..............
Date / Time : Thursday, April 10, 2008 / 5:52 AM
I so FALL IN LOVE with Malay Songs recently!!!! Is like even learning how to sing lo. I have attached afew, so click n listen if u r interested. CintamuAyat CintaKenangan TerindahAtas Nama Cinta
Is all love songs.
I went shopping alone today, get my things done. Visit my old friends/colleagues. Went to TAKA to look for YiTing aka 'sam-pat'! She is my ex-colleague in city hall. The moment I saw her, my jaws immediately dropped to the ground! Cus she is pregnant n is going to give birth like soon?? Like very soon, the expected birth date is May 10. I was like damn shocked la when I see her with a big big belly!! Doc said tat is a baby boy!! kekeke..... I feel so excited!! Is like as if I m the one pregnant! wahaha!! Really cant wait man! I know her at the age of (I think) 19 till now...... Almost like 5 yrs!!!!!!
hahaha.... tats how fast time past!! Toking abt pregnant, my dear Doris also expecting!! Tat one I have to become the god-mum cuz she said I m in the list!!! kekeke..... Again feeling super excited!! Wahahaha!!! Doris' expected birth date is also tis yr but kinda forgot when liao!! hahaha.....
Wanted to plan to go party, but seems like no one... so in the end after my stuff, I went to look for my friend n to chit chat. From my friend, I learned alot of unwanted 'politics' n 'rumors' flying around n tats has got to do with me. I cant understand y there is actually such people on earth!? Wat is their purpose in life man? Is it to create rumors n gossips n 'destroy' victims while they can always remain like a angel or a saint in the heart of others??!!
But wateva la, If I dint do it... the time will tell. I cant be bothered to even do a further explaination wen the person dun believe me. Instead they believe a piece of shit rumor!
Another thing tat disappoints me is tat, I pity men who is a totally wussy-pussy. Those tat can totally drop their mens pride, ego n face n totally SUBMIT themselves to their gf. Read carefully here, is GF, is not even wife!
From an image tat appears to be almost perfect (to me), in just night, tat image is totally GONE forever! Becuz of an uncertain future with a gal, is it worth to lose a friend? Answer is - NO - lo.
Just becuz the jealousy level of the lady is DAMN DAMN (i repeat again) DAMN high, it doesnt mean tat the guy cant even have any HUMAN RIGHTS to have female friends meh??!!! N also does it mean tat his female friends cant even forward a simple goodnight msg to the guy??!!! Due to tis kind of stupid n childish act, the guy is willing to sacrifice his friend for the 'haven-even-patch-up' relationship. Isnt it GREAT??!!! Cm' On, BE A MAN!
Y wud I even say tat is an unconfirm future is becuz tis couple broke off BEFORE n tats y I mention the word-the 'haven-even-patch-up' relationship!!
Well, at the end of the day, wat I feel is tat: Tis guy totally make people lose their respect for me be it a friend or a man. N the gal is something cuz she is ABLE to make the guy despise by other guys.
I feel sad is not becuz he changes the impression neither the total manipulation power of the GF has over the guy. But becuz I have to lose a friend due to tis kind of nonsense! I dunno if I shud even pity the guy or be angry for wat he sacrifice (which is me).
From a guy whom use to gave me the adrenalin n the butterflies in my stomach just totally makes me turn off n make me lose my respect for him. I'm Sorry n sad to say tat. But still, I will grant him wat he want.
**PS: yuan, u knew tis guy.
Broke Down once again.
Date / Time : / 4:47 AM
As the title mentioned: I broke down once again on Sunday. I dunno y. I slept for a while n woke up, suddenly my room is dark, sky is dark, everywhere is dark. Suddenly my mind fills up with my work stress; the unfair treatment, my fucked-up life; both love n parents, having the commitment n responsibilities; in terms of havin to 'report' to ppl of my whereabouts, worried abt the application of school, worried abt future etc..... In fact I cant really mention all cuz is simply just all the factors tat is surrounding a person's life.
So well, I ended up bursting out while on the line with ah lau. I dunno why but sometimes I cant explain or elaborate to others wat's wrong m I feeling. I think I always like to make others happier if I can n chose to hide the dark side of me n as a result it roll into a huge ball n when the capacity in me cant accommodate this huge ball n it just exploded. = Is it because I think way too much of un-neccessary things or is part of growing up? =
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