thy blog owner.
Welcome to my tiny world of escapades! I am a self-derived party animal.
Vibrant colours, House Music are my absolute loves..
To indulge in an explosive ride of the dissonance diffusion of lights & sounds tat where ever it may brings is a hidden adrenaline... !!!
So anybody is welcome to join me!
BTW, I m just a plain jane.....w/o the needs of artificial implements to make or feel pretty,
Cuz I feel good abt myself. Love Me or Hate Me, just dun copy me!! Be it directly or indirectly!
Have a life of ur own!
Soaring through, through the night.
Skyway Avenue - We The Kings
hear your voice baby.
A tag would be nice. :D
Thanks for leaving ur bitchy gossips. Do add more!
its a big big world.
my faded memories.
spontaneous applauds
Date / Time : Tuesday, September 30, 2008 / 11:13 AM
Oh man!! Its been a busy busy week for me since my last update... Been busy at work and trying to get things all sort out.
Tiring + Stress = Fatigue!!
Last night got an event for the Contender Asia. 1st time in my life that I witnessed a real boxing arena in front of me!! Though it was a reality TV show programme, still quite an eye opener for me! Saw a few ex-customer of mine... n glad tat they still remember me.
Aww... isnt it sweet??
The sad part is: this series wont be air in SG but in the US if I m not wrong. If not, I can proudly annouced tat: 'Hey I m on TV!!' haha...
Anyway, after the event, went to Al-aMeen for dinner. Quite a bad experience for me! Almost everything on the menu was not available for ordering due to certain stalls that was closed. The food tat I ordered end up came roughly about 3 times due to the wrong order tat they took! Can u imagine how 'chui' is it?!!
Never mess around with a hungry man! Yet at the same time, NEVER mess around with the CHEF either!!! Cuz u never know wat they will do to your food before being served!!!
1 of my friend was sharing stories with me about the F1 event tat he did. Apparently all the Singtel girls were VERY 'chui'!!! hahaha....
So much for the prasing of our very local SINGTEL GIRLS!!!!!
Not saying tat they r not pretty, some of them were infact quite pretty but no front n back! N the worst is tat, most of them look 'lian'! Well tats not the worst.
The worst part is: the way they tok is damn fucking BIMBOTIC!!!
So try thinking of words like - 'oh duh~', 'oh fuck~off', 'oh my god', 'oh come on~', 'oh tat is not so glam~', 'oh, so totally~' etc.
Ya, basically words like tat la, everything tat u can think of when watching 'Mean Girls' something like tat la...
1 of the incident was tat, there is tis indian girl who work as a road marshall is so damn bimbo. Everybody was asked to get a spot on the floor for lunch. N she goes: 'Oh my god! You want me to sit on the floor?! Oh no way! Man, my jeans cost like $50!!!' No way m I going to sit on the floor!'
Of course in the middle of having lunch, n upon hearing tis, everybody's reaction was jammed for like a while!!
Tat indian girl is a spoilt brat!
If for me n I m the one in-charged, I will definitely goes something like: 'Oh! So r u trying to say tat ur jeans is an expensive branded jeans? So tats y u cant sit on the floor?' If her answer was: 'Duh! Cant you tell?' or something like tat.
I will then say:' Oh just wondering wat brand could it be? Cuz is like so cheap! Not as if it cost afew hundred bucks tat kind?! So wats the whinning all about? Just get a fucking spot n get ur ass on the floor then!'
Well if tats me la!!
The 2nd incident - she was being assigned with another girl to go for their dinner. Usually these kind of event where got an exact 1 hour dinner break??!! So long u finish u dinner n maybe 1 stick of ciggies then u gotta come back to relieve others for their break.
These 2 girls jolly well take their own sweet time to finish their food. Guess how long did they took?
1 hour plus!!!!
I guess it wud have been longer if my friend dint go up to them n banged their table!! The excuse tat she gave my friend (who was the in-charged of tat particular road marshall) was:' Oh I cannot eat too fast you know, if not I will need to go to the toilet.'
Man, how can someone who eat so damn slow? U koe why?
SMS-ing while eating, gossiping while eating, checking out handsome guys while eating... answer to the question la!!
To me, I feel tat these kind of bimbos probably just trying hard to lose their virginity! Or rather, they r just a bunch of 'un-exposed' bimbotic-bitch-wannabes-country girl who are just waiting to be fuck!!
Another one, asking for a 'glam job' whereby she can get to see alot of ang mos. How 'glam' does she want her job to be when she applys to be a road marshall??!!!
Isnt it slapping her own face with her own hands?!! Bimbo or wat?
Definition of BIMBOTIC: a chick that acts like a dumb ho, a dumb blonde, and a stupid bitch all at the same time.
Nowadays ah, kids r just so terrible!! KIDS is referring to the age of like below 24!!!!!! An overall of the girls who is working for the event, hereby referring to the Grid girls: 1 word - CHUI until mad!
According to my friend, only 1 can make it, the rest all 'buang'!!
Tats y people say: Beauty pagents r for those who think they r very pretty yet to the eyes of the others are rated only as a so-so catergory. The real pretty ones are those who doesnt want to get exposed, remain in low profile n be humble. They dun sought for fame, they sought for appreciation.
check out ur bad habits according to ur zodiac
Date / Time : Friday, September 19, 2008 / 11:21 PM
THE BAD HABITS ZONE!!! check it out!!
check out ur bad habits according to ur zodiac Nobody's perfect - all signs have their vices. Fortunately, astrology provides valuable clues for breaking bad habits. Ending these patterns will help you realize your full potential. Here are some tips for conquering those negative behaviors that get in the way of your ultimate happiness.
Aries Out in FrontRams have a habit of pushing to the front of the line, both literally and figuratively. And while this quality has helped Aries get ahead, it can also compromise their relationships. Putting an animal, child or plant in their care can correct the problem. As soon as this sign's nurturing qualities are cultivated, their selfishness will diminish.
Taurean TrashBulls love clutter. Being surrounded by all their possessions gives them a sense of security. It also creates headaches, confusion, and chaos. Storage systems that keep their stuff on display will prevent this sign from strewing their stuff all over the house. Stacking baskets, glass jars, and open shelving can promote organization.
Nerve-Wracking Twins Geminis are the nail-biters of the zodiac. Twins are self-conscious about their hands, and need to keep them busy at all times. Activities like knitting, carving, or bead work provide welcome distractions. Weekly manicures will also keep temptation at bay. Twins are less likely to gnaw their cuticles when they've just paid for their upkeep!
Cancers and the Candyman - If you've ever wondered how Cancers stay so sweet, take a look at their sugar intake. This sign loves cookies, candy, and ice cream. An occasional indulgence is fine, but too much dessert can take a toll on waist lines and energy levels. What Crabs are really seeking is oral gratification. Sugar-free gum or dried fruit provides a healthy distraction from candy crunching.
Lavish Leos - The guy who's sitting next to you in the elegant restaurant, shouting to his personal assistant on his cell phone? Probably a Leo. It's only natural that a sign that is blessed with creativity, charm and wit feels tempted to show off. Actually, this desire to brag is rooted in insecurity. The sooner Lions learn to compliment others, the quicker they'll receive the praise they crave.
Virgos Fear Filth - These nit-pickers sometimes compromise their own pleasure for the sake of perfection. Deep down inside, these folks are really sensualists at heart. They need to learn that it is better to feel good than to look good. Allocating a few minutes each day for fun but messy activities like baking, painting, or sculpting can cure Virgos of their fear of filth.
Libras - Love to Shop. Librans gave birth to the term "shopaholic". These folks have every credit card known to man. And while their taste is undeniably impeccable, it can get them in trouble at bankruptcy court. What's really at stake here is a quest for beauty. Enjoying simple but inexpensive pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the urge to splurge.
Strictly Scorpios - Nobody carries a grudge better than this sign. Unfortunately, hanging on to resentments has a way of crowding out love, happiness, and trust. In order for a Scorpio to let go of anger, they must first practice self-care. Getting a massage every month or writing in a journal each day will soften this sign's heart and enable forgiveness.
Brutally Honest SagittariusArchers have a bad habit of telling the truth. And while these folks have the best intentions, that doesn't take the sting out of comments like, "Gee, those pants make you look fat!" or "Were you drunk when you wrote this report?" The best way for Archers to cultivate tact is through prodigious study. Etiquette books will definitely help!
Capricorns - Can't Quit this sign is the original workaholic. Many Capricorns fear that poverty will set in the moment they stop toiling. Keeping a gratitude journal can break this terrible habit. The more Capricorn becomes aware of their non-material blessings, the healthier their behavior will become. No more cutting vacations short for the sake of work!
Antisocial Aquarius - Water-bearers get into the habit of creating completely self-sufficient lives. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for them to achieve intimacy. Basically, Aquarians are afraid that relationships will compromise their independence. Fortunately, these folks love to experiment. By treating intimacy as an exercise, this sign can relinquish control for the sake of loving relationships.
Pickled Pisces - As a water sign, it's only natural that Pisceans find comfort in liquids. When those liquids have a high alcohol content, problems can ensue. Naturally, a twelve-step program can be of enormous benefit here. Meditation and yoga can help, too, as they allow Pisces to achieve a healthy sense of nirvana. That's all these Fish are really seeking.
Date / Time : / 11:21 PM
Here's another one. Enjoy!!
This is an animology test. Animology is a test you take to find out what animal and color of animal you are, and your profile. It also shows what animology (animal and color) your soul mate is, and the animology of people you have conflicts with. Remember, this test is FOR FUN only. Please don't take it seriously but DO answer the questions honestly. It's easy.
You only choose ONE from the choices. For example, you choose a, which is Smart, so you have to do what the order in the parenthesis tells you to do: Go to question 17. As you can see, this example is labeled number ¦. The number of the question is right there, before the question itself Now, if you chose letter C, which is weird, it says to go to Profile D, which is in the PROFILE PAGE.. Profile means your animology, so just go to the profiles (which are after the questions) and find Profile D. SIMPLE! So, enjoy the animology quiz. =======================================
[Kim Possible's Animology Quiz - Disney] 1) Would you classify yourself as someone who is involved in sports? (Ex. You take soccer) a) Yes (Go to question 2) b) No (Go to question 3)
2) You would classify yourself as: a) A nerd/loser (go to question 7) b) A bully (go to question 3) c) An average guy/girl (go to question 5)
3) Would you accept money from a stranger? a) Yes (Go to question 5) b) No (Go to question 4)
4) If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? a) Oak (Go to question 10) b) Weeping Willow (Go to question Cool c) Fir Tree (Go to question 9)
5) A movie you wanted to see closed down. What will you do? a) Go home (go to question 7) b) Go see a different movie (go to question 6) c) Go do something else (go to question 4)
6) A mysterious hooded stranger arrives at your house. You are most likely to: a) Greet him/her (go to question Cool b) Hide and make them think you are not home (go to question 9) c) Call the cops (go to question 7) d) Yell though the door got a gun ( go to question 7)
7) Would you call yourself strong (physically or mentally Which ever you want)? a) Yes (go to question Cool b) No (Go to question 10)
Cool There is an earthquake. What will you do? a) Go out and help anyone in need (go to question 10) b) Go to a safe place with family an friends (go to question 9) c) Panic and wait for someone to help you (Go to Profile P)
9) You buy ice cream, and a kid comes up to you and tells you he's really hungry and hasn't eaten in days. Your reaction will be: a) To stick the ice cream in his face and run away (go to profile Y) b) To ignore him and eat your ice cream (go to profile A) c) To give him your ice cream (Go to Question 11) d) you think he is lying ( go to profile U)
10) Your friend challenges you to a game. What will your answer be? a) "Bring it on!"(Go to question 11) b) Fine. (Go to question 15) c) "Leave me alone!"(Go to question 14) d) "Sorry, but I really don't feel like it."(Go to question 12)
11) You are going to take a quiz (like the one in school). Your score is most likely to be: a) Perfect (go to Profile B) b) Enough to pass (go to question 12) c) A failing mark. I don't actually care anyways. (Go to Profile R) d) I don’t know ( go to question 25)
12) How many friends do you have? a) One only (go to question 13) b) About three to five (go to question 1Cool c) A LOT!(go to question 14
13) Are you constantly? a) Bullied? (Go to question 15) b) Feared by others? (Go to Profile G) c) Idolized? (Go to profile D)
14) The food you eat is usually: a) Cheap (go to question 17) b) Expensive (go to question 16) c) Both! I love food! (Go to question 22)
15) Do you believe in the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away?" a) Yes (go to profile C) b) No (Go to Profile F)
16) Do you believe in true love? a) Yes (go to question 17) b) No (Go to question 22)
17) You see your crush. You are most likely to: a) Flirt with him/her (go to Profile E) b) Run away (go to question 20) c) Act mean to him/her (go to Profile L) d) Act normal (go to question 24)
1Cool One of your bad traits (among these) are: a) Being noisy/talkative (go to Profile W) b) None at all. I'm perfect!(go to Profile I) c) Being shy (go to question 19)
19) What do you think about nerds/geeks/smart people? a) They're okay (go to Profile H) b) EWWWWW!!!!!! (Go to question 21) c) There know-it-alls (go to question 20)
20) Someone asks you: "What do you know about the Industrial Revolution?". Your response would be: a) "Yawn(go to Profile J) b) "Oh, I know all about it!"(go to question 23) c) "Umm I think I remember it from somewhere"(Go to profile M) d)Why do you want to know!? (Go to profile E)
21) Someone goes up to you and says: "Did you know that eating glue makes your brain stronger?Your initial response would be: a) Really?!(Go to question 23) b) Yeah, right! (Go to Profile U) c) Thats nice (go to profile L)
22) If you were in a human food chain, where would you put yourself? a) At the bottom¦ I'm low-class. (Go to Profile X) b) At the very top! I'm the predator of all predators! (Go to Profile N) c) Somewhere in the middle, I guess(Go to question 19)
23) Would you call yourself hardworking? a) Yes (go to profile K) b) No (go to question 24) c) Uhhh Sometimes (go to profile Q) d) no , more then yes ( go to question 24)
24) If you had a special power, which power would you want to have? a) The power to be invisible (Go to Profile T) b) The power to be the greatest person on Earth!(Go to Profile S) c) The power to be the fastest thing alive! (Go to Profile V) d) I don't need special powers. (Go to question 25) e) the power to teleport ( go to question 26)
25) You are known as: a) A loner (Go to Profile Z) b) A good friend to all (Go to Profile AB) c) A food expert (Go to profile AC) d) A Marjory fun person (Go to Profile AD) e) A person with a split personality (Go to Profile AE) f) a weird person ( go to profile Y)
26) Witch one of these is a good attribute about you? a) You are flexible (go to question 27) b) You are strong, mentally or physically (go to question 25) c) You are retarded (go to profile AE) d) You are normal (go to profile H)
27) Who do you hang out with? a) Smart people (go to question 25) b) Gangsters (go to profile F) c) Weird people (go to profile AF) d) Every one (go to profile AG) =================================== PROFILES:
A. Peach Pig-You are a big, lazy slob. Yet, you have a lot of strength but are afraid to use it.-Soul mate: Magenta Squirrel-In conflict with: Ocre and gray Dolphin B. Blue Fox-You are a born leader who cannot resist a challenge. You are driven to excel and a perfectionist.-Soul mate: Yellow Trout-In conflict with: Indigo Beaver
C. Pink Sloth-You are an outcast; A follower, socially inept. You are the lowest of all animology, mainly because you smell of overripe fruit.-Soul mate: Silver Badger-In conflict with: Tawny Mouse D. Teal Cat-You are as swift as a ninja. You can be soft-hearted and cruel at the same time, and extremely hard to please-Soul mate: Beige raccoon-In conflict with: Red Jaguar
E. Yellow Trout-You are extremely self-centered and only think of yourself. You are also very whiny and annoying to others, but you are able to get away with it. Aside from that, you have slow reactions, except when you're in love.-Soul mate: Blue fox-In conflict with: Green Puppy
F. Blue Baboon-An aggressive animology, especially to your enemies. You also have quick reflexes, but it takes you an unnaturally long time to remember something.-Soul mate: Purple bat-In conflict with: Red weasel
G. Red Weasel-You are an extreme know-it-all, even if you're not perfect. You are also noisy, but far from hardworking.-Soul mate: Brown Iguana-In conflict with: Blue baboon
H. Silver Badger-You are very loyal to others and hardworking. You are a good friend, even if others find you sometimes a bit boring.-Soul mate: Pink Sloth-In conflict with: White Tiger
I. Orange Snake-Like the snake itself, you are cunning and very boastful. You love to be the best, even if you're not, but you try hard enough.-Soul mate: Periwinkle Cow-In conflict with: Gray Chicken J. Green Puppy-You are very patient, but often moody. You like to strike when least expected, even if you're not exactly what one would call observant.-Soul mate: Fuchsia Possum-In conflict with: Yellow Trout K. Indigo Beaver-You are very resourceful and patient, but you are often naïve and fall for others' traps. Luckily, you get out of most of them.-Soul mate: Lavender cheetah-In conflict with: Blue fox L. Purple Bat-You are often blind to the world, and because of this, you use your heart to sense things. Yet, you are feared by other animologies, because you don't always listen to what your heart has to say, and you end up doing cruel things.-Soul mate: Blue baboon-In conflict with: Golden Lion
M. Black Sheep-You are different from other animologies. Even if some people think you are weak and are a disgrace, your heart always remains strong and pure.-Soul mate: Maroon Panda-In conflict with: Magenta Squirrel N. Golden Lion-You consider yourself as the king of all animologies and have a lot of dignity. But despite this statement, you are lazy and often end up embarrassing yourself.-Soul mate: White Tiger-In conflict with: Silver Badger O. Brown Iguana-You are quiet and often stay in one place pondering your next move. You are not a threat to other animologies, even if your strikes are quite lethal.-Soul mate: Red Weasel-In conflict with: Fuchsia Possum
P. Gray Chicken-You are cowardly, and quick to react. When danger strikes, you immediately run away, only thinking of yourself.-Soul mate: Tawny Mouse-In conflict with: Orange Snake Q. White Tiger-You are unique; A graceful yet cunning animology. Yet, even with your strength, you are very easy prey to others.-Soul mate: Golden Lion-In conflict with: Silver Badger
R. Scarlet Bear-You are constantly a bully to others, but wit is your ultimate weakness. Another disadvantage is that you're slow, but make up with your great amount of strength.-Soul mate: Saffron Rabbit-In conflict with: Periwinkle Cow
S. Red Jaguar-Extremely quick, but you are easy to trick. All of your senses are quite strong, but you get caught, mainly because of too much pride in yourself, which causes insecurity.-Soul mate: Tan Giraffe-In conflict with: Teal Cat
T. Tawny Mouse-A shy and quiet animology, but when you're by yourself, you are very active and peppy. Even if you are timid, you have a strong inner self.-Soul mate: Gray Chicken-In conflict with: Pink Sloth
U. Bronze Goat-You are hard working, but only think of yourself. Yet, you are very clever and often self-confident.-Soul mate: Ocre and gray Dolphin-In conflict with: Beige Raccoon
V. Saffron Rabbit-You are shy but pure, and quick. You are sensitive but friendly. However, you can never seem to stay in one place.-Soul mate: Scarlet bear-In conflict with: Lavender Cheetah
W. Fuchsia Possum-You are extremely talkative, peppy, and like to make a lot of noise. People sometimes find you annoying, but you don't care because you always love to have fun.-Soul mate: Green Puppy-In conflict with: Brown Iguana
X. Periwinkle Cow-You are lazy but content with your simple life. Aside from this, you are very helpful, even if you won't admit it.-Soul mate: Orange Snake-In conflict with: Scarlet Bear
Y. Lavender Cheetah-You are the fastest and most agile of all animologies. Because of this, sometimes you do things immediately without even stopping to think, and bad things occur to you.-Soul mate: Indigo Beaver-In conflict with: Saffron Rabbit
Z. Tan Giraffe-You are much of a loner, but you are brave and are a quick thinker. You like helping others, but you keep it a secret.-Soul mate: Red Jaguar-In conflict with: Maroon Panda
AB. Beige Raccoon-You are the nervous type, and are always unsure of yourself. Yet, you are nice, friendly and quite smart and sarcastic.-Soul mate: Teal Cat-In conflict with: Bronze Goat
AC. Maroon Panda-You are very picky, but extremely exact and accurate about everything. It often takes you a long time to make decisions, but you often get good results.-Soul mate: Black sheep-In conflict with: Tan Giraffe
AD. Ocre and gray (OG) Dolphin-You are a good friend to others, and love to have fun. People lighten up because of you, even if sometimes you act pretty weird.-Soul mate: Bronze goat-In conflict with: Peach Pig
AE. Magenta Squirrel-You are good company and are always in a good mood, but you can be odd and slow at times-Soul mate: Peach Pig-In conflict with: Black Sheep
AF. Silver and Red (SR) Wolf-You are strong and most of the time nave, but when it comes to love you know it all, you prefer to be quiet around Adults.-Soul mate: gold falcon-In conflicted with: maroon panda
AG. Gold Falcon-You are a very smart person and you are aggressive too, although you let your pride get in the way sometimes, you are very good in romantic situation.- Soul mate: silver and red wolf-In conflict with: Teal Cat---------------------------------------------------------------------- I belongs to Profile B!! How abt u?? So now u koe which animal u r n the one tat in conflict with!! Dun get urself into trouble!!!
Date / Time : / 11:21 PM
I got this email...n I find it pretty interesting so I got it posted here...
So guys, check tis out:
Do You Know Your Personality By Month
Ambitious and serious; Loves to teach and be taught; Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses; Likes to criticize; Hardworking and productive; Smart, neat and organized; Sensitive and has deep thoughts; Knows how to make others happy; Quiet unless excited or tensed; Rather reserved; Highly attentive; Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds; Romantic but has difficulties expressing love; Loves children; Homely person; Loyal; Needs to improve social abilities; Easily jealous
Abstract thoughts; Loves reality and abstract; Intelligent and clever; Changing personality; Temperamental; Quiet, shy and humble; Low self esteem; Honest and loyal; Determined to reach goals; Loves freedom; Rebellious when restricted; Loves aggressiveness; Too sensitive and easily hurt; Showing anger easily; Dislike unnecessary things; Loves making friends but rarely shows it; Daring and stubborn; Ambitious; Realizing dreams and hopes; Sharp Loves entertainment and leisure; Romantic on the inside not outside; Superstitious and ludicrous; Spendthrift Learns to show emotions
Attractive personality; Affectionate; Shy and reserved; Secretive; Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic; Loves peace and serenity; Sensitive to others Loves to serve others; Not easily angered; Trustworthy; Appreciative and returns kindness; Observant and assess others; Revengeful; Loves to dream and fantasize; Loves traveling; Loves attention; Hasty decisions in choosing partners; Loves home decors; Musically talented; Loves special things; Moody
Active and dynamic; Decisive and haste but tends to regret; Attractive and affectionate to oneself; Strong mentality; Loves attention; Diplomatic; Consoling; Friendly and solves people's problems; Brave and fearless; Adventurous; Loving and caring; Suave and generous; Emotional; Revengeful; Aggressive; Hasty; Good memory; Moving; Motivate oneself and the others; Sickness usually of the head and chest; Easily get too jealous
Stubborn and hard-hearted; Strong-willed and highly motivated; Sharp thoughts; Easily angered; Attracts others and loves attention; Deep feelings; Beautiful physically and mentally; Firm standpoint; Easily influenced; Needs no motivation; Easily consoled; Systematic (left brain); Loves to dream; Strong clairvoyance; Understanding; Sickness usually in the ear and neck; Good imagination; Good debating skills; Good physical; Weak breathing; Loves literature and the arts; Loves traveling; Dislike being at home; Restless; Hardworking; High spirited; Spendthrift
Thinks far with vision; Easily influenced by kindness; Polite and soft-spoken; Having lots of ideas; Sensitive; Active mind; Hesitating; Tends to delay; Choosy and always wants the best; Temperamental; Funny and humorous; Loves to joke; Good debating skills; Talkative; Daydreamer; Friendly; Knows how to make friends; Abiding; Able to show character; Easily hurt; Prone to getting colds; Loves to dress up; Easily bored; Fussy; Seldom show emotions; Takes time to recover when hurt; Brand conscious; Executive; Stubborn; Those who loves me are enemies; Those who hates me are friends
Fun to be with; Secretive; Difficult to fathom and to be understood; Quiet unless excited or tensed; Takes pride in oneself; Has reputation; Easily consoled; Honest; Concern about people's feelings; Tactful; Friendly; Approachable; Very emotional; Temperamental and unpredictable; Moody and easily hurt; Witty and sarky; Sentimental; Not revengeful; Forgiving but never forgets; Dislike nonsensical and unnecessary things; Guides others physically and mentally; Sensitive and forms impressions carefully; Caring and loving; Treats others equally; Strong sense of sympathy; Wary and sharp; Judge people through observations; Hardworking; No difficulties in studying; Loves to be alone; Always broods about the past and the old friends; Likes to be quiet; Homely person; Waits for friends; Never looks for friends; Not aggressive unless provoked; Prone to having stomach and dieting problems; Loves to be loved; Easily hurt but takes long to recover; Overly concerned; Puts in effort in work
Loves to joke; Attractive; Suave and caring; Brave and fearless; Firm and has leadership qualities; Knows how to console others; Too generous and egoistic; Take high pride of oneself; Thirsty for praises; Extraordinary spirit; Easily angered; Angry when provoked; Easily jealous; Observant; Careful and cautious; Thinks quickly; Independent thoughts; Loves to lead and to be led; Loves to dream; Talented in the arts, music and defense; Sensitive but not petty; Poor resistance against illnesses; Learns to relax; Hasty and rushy; Romantic; Loving and caring; Loves to make friends
Suave and compromising; Careful, cautious and organized; Likes to point out people's mistakes; Likes to criticize; Quiet but able to talk well; Calm and cool; Kind and sympathetic; Concerned and detailed; Trustworthy, loyal and honest; Does work well; Sensitive Thinking; Good memory; Clever and knowledgeable; Loves to look for information; Must control oneself when criticizing; Able to motivate oneself; Understanding; Secretive; Loves sports, leisure and traveling; Hardly shows emotions; Tends to bottle up feelings; Choosy especially in relationships; Loves wide things; Systematic
Loves to chat; Loves those who loves him; Loves to takes things at the centre; Attractive and suave; Inner and physical beauty; Does not lie or pretend; Sympathetic; Treats friends importantly; Always making friends; Easily hurt but recovers easily; Bad tempered; Selfish; Seldom helps unless asked; Daydreamer; Very opinionated; Does not care of what others think; Emotional; Decisive; Strong clairvoyance; Loves to travel, the arts and literature; Soft-spoken, loving and caring; Romantic; Touchy and easily jealous; Concerned; Loves outdoors; Just and fair; Spendthrift and easily influenced; Easily lose confidence
Has a lot of ideas; Difficult to fathom; Thinks forward; Unique and brilliant; Extraordinary ideas; Sharp thinking; Fine and strong clairvoyance; Can become good doctors; Careful and cautious; Dynamic in personality; Secretive; Inquisitive; Knows how to dig secrets; Always thinking; Less talkative but amiable; Brave and generous; Patient; Stubborn and hard-hearted; If there is a will, there is a way; Determined; Never give up; Hardly become angry unless provoked; Loves to be alone; Thinks differently from others; Sharp-minded; Motivates oneself; Does not appreciate praises; High-spirited; Well-built and tough; Deep love and emotions; Romantic; Uncertain in relationships; Homely; Hardworking; High abilities; Trustworthy; Honest and keeps secrets; Not able to control emotions; Unpredictable
Loyal and generous; Patriotic; Active in games and interactions; Impatient and hasty; Ambitious; Influential in organisations; Fun to be with; Loves to socialize; Loves praises; Loves attention; Loves to be loved; Honest and trustworthy; Not pretending; Short tempered; Changing personality; Not egoistic; Takes high pride in oneself; Hates restrictions; Loves to joke; Good sense of humor; Logical ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So which one r u??
Frustrated Day!!!!!
Date / Time : Saturday, September 13, 2008 / 4:02 PM
Fucking frustrated day!!!
1st got irritated by this group of Indian ppl - which I believed they r really from India, cuz dun look local is 1 thing, n the next is they behaved as if is like India -
Wat they do is tat:
A group of women with lotsa children bored the train at Bona Vista, just 1 stop after Dover [which i just stepped in], so the rain is really quite jammed pack, n with their pushing around, is even worst.
The rest of the kids were quite well-behaved compared to the mothers n aunties n particularly this 2 boys, they were like running, squeezing, pushing, shouting, talking DAMN loudly across the rest of the passengers.
The interesting fact :
I SERIOUSLY dun understand why the mothers n the aunties have to practically shouting at each other when they r facing each other??!!!!!!!! n The suay part is tat, I was standing just RIGHT BESIDE them.
- Not the main point -
The 2 boys I was mentioning about?
They r the highlights!! They seems to like squeezing among people in the packed train playing hide-n-seek!! OMG! Can u even imaging tat? To add on, they r fucking sticky lo!
Then when they r sick n tired of tat, they sat down on the floor in the middle of the pole when their mums n aunties and daughter n dunno who else are grabbing tat pole.
So is like a mini continent for them.
When they sat on the floor, guess wat they r doing?
Fighting againist each other.
So can u kina guess where will they fall if one of the another were to push and give punches or wateva?
Well let me give u the answer:
On MY FUCKING LEG!!!! I tried to shift away but I cant, cuz is REALLY PACKED!
To curb the noise pollution made, I put on my mp3 n to its maximum volume!!!!!!
I am not the only one who got fucking pissed off, the rest of the passenger who were standing near them also seems like abt to EXPLODE.
The DAMN mothers n aunties dun even koe how to control their boys or ask them to stop or wat, just keep on toking as if the whole train was built by their husband like tat!!!!!!
At tat moment, I can really just explode at any time!! But I tahan.
I tell myself I WILL REALLY FUCK BOTH THE LOUD WOMEN N THE BOYS UP if they were to irritate me yet again! But then again, I m just afraid tat they might not be able to understand english, then I will be very ma-lu.
So wat I did is, there is a heavy book tat I was holding. Since the 2 boys sat on the space where I was just beside them. I let loose my whole entire arms but still holding on to my heavy book. So whenever the train jerks or stop, my book will just hit them!
I koe maybe by now u might think tat I m so mean, but the FACT IS : THEY R MEANER!!!!!!!!
The mums dunno how to teach, I teach for them!
Fucking angry leh! Really dun understand!!!
I m not racist but I just dunno how to appreciate their beauty. [I'm sure this phrase used by alot of ppl, (n is still using) but is just tat they dun really say out loud]
I tot maybe they wud alight at city hall or something but no la.... Even when I reach Lavendar, they still on board!
I really pity those who r still in the train.
Wat a day! Pissed-Off, Hungry, Heavy Bag, Feeling Hot... Wat else more?!
Date / Time : Wednesday, September 10, 2008 / 9:35 PM
I got this picture from my email, find it rather interesting...
quite funny though...The difference between how men and women examined the external bodies: Tag: Funny Pictures Tag: Funny Pictures
Date / Time : Tuesday, September 9, 2008 / 10:08 PM
Matilde is a nun convinced that faith moves mountains. Secretly she begins a mystic fasting to end what she considers to be the second great flood. Elena is a thin and fashion-conscious woman ashamed of her daughter's chubbiness. She's willing to do the impossible to make her daughter Linda thin so Linda will look like a little princess on the day she receives her first communion. At the same time Elena's husband Gustavo, a professor of architecture - cannot cope any more with his wife's bones sticking into him during more intimate moments. For relief, he turns his attention to a buxom female student with a hearty appetite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caught this movie today at cineleisure.. quite a sad movie la. cuz to koe tat there is people like tat out in the world. All about THINESS........
Really dun understand y there is people out there who just think tat thin is a form of beauty!! Look like those 4 ancient china beauties - 四大美女,
Xi Shi (西施) Wang Zhao Jun (王昭君) Diao Chan (貂蝉) Yang Gui Fei (杨贵妃) They r not thin either, slightly a lil meaty!! which is later known as voluptous.
See, they are alil chubbier but yet they are still pretty n most of all, they r able to make kingdoms collasped, or rather make the kings fall head over heel.
After movie, went to Shoduku with Mi for japanese pasta n pizza. Not to bad la, I like the drink, wanted to take pic but then realised i forgot to bring my camera.
walk around orchard pratically the whole day.. but without getting any things except for Xinyan's food. Head down to PS to look for xinyan to discuss on whether nort I shud re-join back Gelare. But then again, whenever i think tat Ave is no longer there I also a lil half-hearted.
~ Ave is my goddess ~
I was being offered to have a super good massage by MiMi... Dun see body built like small small, the power force tat excerted from the two puny thumbs is wooooosssshhhhh!!!!
fucking two thumbs n two toes up!!!
while giving a 'supposed-to-be-comfortable' massage, [which i feel so painful cuz my body is rosak-spoilt already] MiMi suddenly tok like a macik [old auntie]:
'Tak Bagus ni nak, muda muda ada banyak angin. nanti makcik urutkan anak jadi kluar angin tu.'
ok, translation time = [ its not good child, young and then have alot of 'airs'. Let auntie massage you till all the air goes out. ]
So end up laffing at the same time n trying to update my blog n while multi-tasking, have to tahan the pain!! haha... But even after all the 'ee','arrhh','wooh', the comfortness come after tat...
Understand tat my body n its sytem has already spoilt like long time ago, dunno how many fucking donkey years back, so more or less there will be alot of 'ee', 'arrrhhh' and the 'wooh' even if not alot of force being exerted.
Well wat can I say?
Juz a piece of advice: if is possible, try to get a 'normal' job!!
okay, ciaoz people.....
~ turning = M.O.U.L.D.Y = in a slow pace....~
Date / Time : Thursday, September 4, 2008 / 10:29 PM
The Invasion Of Foreigners!!!
Seriously I dun believe I m the only one who is toking about it!! Like a huge topic being tok about it but is just tat NO one dares to speak up?!
Nowadays, no matter where I m, or wat time it is..... the crowd tat I usually see is those foreigners! Honestly wat's wrong with the gov?
Due to the PATHETIC population in here?
Seriously I feel tat the mgt in here lacks of the STRATEGIC planning!
Like example: All along in my quiet lilttle area, there haven been like alot of foreigners staying till recently. I realised that there seems to be a huge flock of greenhorns flocking into my area!! I was off course damn pissed off la. Definitely I got my own reason for getting all my face muscles to work out.
Firstly - at times I will sit downstair to have a lil chat with friends, n if they happen to be loitering around, n see u wearing ur home clothes n having a chat... they will keep on staring at you like as if they haven been seeing a woman before! Tat kind of annoying stares tat u get is fucking harrassing!
Second - If u happen to dress nice nice for a clubbing/party night, they will stare at you as if they are like undressing u with their eyes!!!
Third - With too much of the non-locals here, the chances of getting a job here is lower, the chances of having affairs is higher, the chances of getting to koe the local man is lower...
Fourth - With the limited space in buses or trains, can be quite annoying esp when they dunno how to be 'automatic' n try to be considerate to move in to create tat much of free space for others!
Fifth - Very understandable that the economy of the whoring industry will bloom trememdously with the 'help' of so many career-minded entrepreneurs and those free-lancers calling for business at any time and any where.... -their greatest contribution-
Basically these r the few main reasons la... but of course i can carry on... but wat for? if they dun realise how serious a threat is to the locals n especially to our future generations, sooner or later there will not be any original locals here in SG.
so ppl, just pray n hope miraculous thingy will happen...
which i highly doubt so...
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