thy blog owner.
Welcome to my tiny world of escapades! I am a self-derived party animal.
Vibrant colours, House Music are my absolute loves..
To indulge in an explosive ride of the dissonance diffusion of lights & sounds tat where ever it may brings is a hidden adrenaline... !!!
So anybody is welcome to join me!
BTW, I m just a plain jane.....w/o the needs of artificial implements to make or feel pretty,
Cuz I feel good abt myself. Love Me or Hate Me, just dun copy me!! Be it directly or indirectly!
Have a life of ur own!
Soaring through, through the night.
Skyway Avenue - We The Kings
hear your voice baby.
A tag would be nice. :D
Thanks for leaving ur bitchy gossips. Do add more!
its a big big world.
my faded memories.
spontaneous applauds
Sick, Tiring, Fatigue, OMG Haggard!!!!
Date / Time : Friday, October 17, 2008 / 2:05 AM
Oh gosh! I m so damn shagged for the past 3 days + the fact tat I still sick even like until now!
My 1st time experience in working in the events line could be such a exhausting time. From the loading n unloading of thousands of items into n off the lorry, to the setting up n the artwork of the booth to the start of the actual event!
Swear tat I really work like a MAN!! The thousands of items includes tons of wines, 2 fucking huge barrels, wine fridge, party cooler, free gifts, 6 cartons mineral water n the miscellaneous items.
Sweat like shit, smell like one too.
Despite all this 'chor gang', I did learned alot of things n infact quite enjoyed it!
To koe wat kind of person ur fellow colleagues are, this is the type of work to analyse! Cuz, tis die die need team work, if they r simply not a team player (be it the boss or whoeva), then u shud koe wat to do!
Ans: dun stay so close with those who only koe how to talks n act busy
Well for me, luckily I got a very or infact damn good team mate = Nic. Learned alot of stuff from him. We sweat, we joke, we swear, we go almost bonkers, we ached together.
Maybe cuz he is also a leo la... but not really not all leos can work together so well... so i dunno also.
Well wateva, I still left with like another 4 more days to go! So guys, wish me good luck!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accidentally saw Ting n Kailing at Suntec also while I m harrassing people to do feedback form for me! haha
They were doing some registration thingy for some convention at Level 4 n while mine is on Level 6!! haha... Wat a concidence!
One of their colleague is damn good la!! I went for a smoke with Kailing, so left with one of my model with Ting n her colleagues at the counter, so by the time I went up, I saw her colleague standing next to my model n ask ppl to fill up the form!!! haha
Tell me how not good can she get?! Tats not even her jobscope lo! haha...
Kailing went up to find me after she finished her side, Ting went back..... hoping tat we can go back together but ended up shit happened, having her to go back alone.
So pai sey Kailing..
Alot of shit happen la.. arguements flying almost everywhere.
Pls advise me, how can 2 parties work together when one is out there to exploit workers, trying to avoid having to fork out too much money n yet still want the best out of it n the other just want the best out the best?
Dun understand.
But honestly I really take my hats off Nic, his level of tolerance is rather high, as compared to mine, I think should be -1??
唉喲, 不知道啦!!
Photos of the process will be upload soon!!
Date / Time : Tuesday, October 14, 2008 / 3:13 PM
At the pre-event place of our very own booth. Damn chui.... cuz people are still doing the set-up n stuff.... I already sick, only had like 2 hours of sleep only.... n tml, gotta do all the 'choy gang' (hard work) which I like to do.. so in fact I dun really mind la.. haha...Guess tomolo my dressing will be just simply short n a big tee with shoes on.. cuz from my understanding, i might need to climb up n down!!! Kinda looking forward to it! haha... Oh the best part, before the actual convention, meaning when doing the setting up, the whole damn place is not air-conditioned... haha, so is damn hot! Sweating balls away! haha Its been such a long long time since I had tis kind of work. Maybe I can condsidering joining events company when I graduate. Btw, if u r wondering how come I can still blog when I m at the setting up of the convention. Well tats becuz, all the big bosses are all discussing on the booth n while I m at one corner, I got nuthing to do but to blog lo... But guess I gotta go now, so update u guys later on... ciaoz~
A SICK - WINE FOR ASIA 2008 EVENT!!!!!!!!!
Date / Time : / 2:16 AM
Think I got the deadly virus from Jasmine... Starts to feel alil itchy at my throat area n having a runny nose...
All these symptoms are found on Sunday when I woke up..
Yesterday feel alil uncomfy... slight fever, then today worst... but still force myself to keep my eyes open!
I told Jasmine on Sat when I offered her my malibu, Nvm is ok, I long time dint get sick liao... She insisted saying tat dun wan la, she is still having her cough, then after i shared drinks with her.. I got it!
haha... Actually I quite happy cuz seems like long time dint get sick liao...
I remember the times tat I really sick until mad is when I m still with Lunar. haha..
Occassionally, is good to like really fall sick until mad, cuz tats putting a test to ur immune system!
well, maybe i m just a lil psycho...
blamed it on the fever... haha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 well, I m really going to get damn busy with the WINE FOR ASIA 2008 EVENT....
Well, if u guys are interested just drop by la... Oh there will be a entrance charge of $35 if I m not wrong, u may register online or gimme a call when u r there, i will pass u a special pass to get in for free..
Just dun get a shock when u see wat I wear... Gona wear something like a XXXX, then is going to look like some chinese waitress in some chinese restaurant. Just imagine, those typical chinese dim sum restaurant waitress with 2 pig tails...
Thats wat I m going to look like, then Nic will look like some Chinese waiter who knows how to display a set of those kung fu when pouring tea kind!!
I let u see the clothes:  TELL ME ABOUT IT!! UH-HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date / Time : / 1:25 AM
Date / Time : / 1:07 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUAN 兒, 祝你快高長大,快快膨脹!! Oops!
I think I type wrongly! keke....
OMG!!!Can u believe it? 24 years of our life have just passed!!! So wat my greetings also come in at the right time, if dun 膨脹 now, n when ur age is catching up, then cannot 膨脹 anymore!!!
Well, anyway... if u happen to browse thru my blog, tis is wat I m going to tell u: again:
there's only a certain extend tat a normal friend would do for u, but for me, I dun mind going over the extension cuz u r just one worthy friend who is worthwhile for me to do so!
Thanks for all these while taking care of me, in terms of emotionally... n tats where I m able to be myself again.
Thanks for tolerating my foul temper, naggings, explosion, laziness, lateness...
No matter wat happen, we will be friends till the day I let u go... cuz I will be 'haunting' u till the day I die!!! kekeke hahahaha.....
So in another words means.. u no horse run (translate in hokkien!)
Love U, Yuan 兒!!
Date / Time : Monday, October 13, 2008 / 11:45 PM
Oh ya... tis is the couple tat I was telling yuan er couple of weeks back!
I shall tell u wat they did in a fucking KOPITIAM!!!!
It was abt 1 plus close to 2am, Mimi n I went to Bas Brasah KPT to have our dinner. As it was a weekday, therefore around tis timing, is not packed with alot of people. I happen to sat in front of tis couple. As the whole place is damn quiet, so watever noise tat is produced can be hear like almost clearly. Then tis couple sat behind me, whispering thru out my eating time! If a normal person were to chat normally, then it will be hearable by others.. so wat tis irritating couple did was, whispering, n kissing n smooching in a fucking KPT! Wa Lau I can tell u!!! tis is the most TAK ROMANCE place to do it lo! Duh, Hotel is just next to it only!! So like I said, the whole place is very quiet, then while u r concentrating eating, u keep on hearing 'chu...chu...chu...' sound, u turn ur head over n realised they r sweet talking to each other n smooching n god knows wat else!!! Both r adults, dressed in office kinda clothing, maybe having their dinner or supper, n there they r, chu chu away.... damn irritating!!! Tis is wat u call, get on peoples nerves!!
Date / Time : Thursday, October 2, 2008 / 1:01 PM
Guys, check out this year sand competition! So pretty n nice...
Amazing huh??!!
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