thy blog owner.
Welcome to my tiny world of escapades! I am a self-derived party animal.
Vibrant colours, House Music are my absolute loves..
To indulge in an explosive ride of the dissonance diffusion of lights & sounds tat where ever it may brings is a hidden adrenaline... !!!
So anybody is welcome to join me!
BTW, I m just a plain jane.....w/o the needs of artificial implements to make or feel pretty,
Cuz I feel good abt myself. Love Me or Hate Me, just dun copy me!! Be it directly or indirectly!
Have a life of ur own!
Soaring through, through the night.
Skyway Avenue - We The Kings
hear your voice baby.
A tag would be nice. :D
Thanks for leaving ur bitchy gossips. Do add more!
its a big big world.
my faded memories.
spontaneous applauds
Updates! Updates! Updates!
Date / Time : Tuesday, January 6, 2009 / 6:34 PM
Updates! Updates! Updates!
Date / Time : / 5:27 PM
cuz haven been updating my blog there I also cant really remember which one is which week!! So just have to put all together!!
- here we go: - . . . . .
XX Saturday : XX pm / am St. James - Power House is always the same old people, same old place, same old crowd, but always new found fun!!!! honestly I dunno wat Najib n Eddy is trying to do to Bogey!!! but I koe it looks damn obscence!!all of us just trying to get a hold of tat jug!!!!!!!!for the 1st, najib is 'taller' than eddy!! kekeke...well the trick is - - - - tat's cuz eddy is carrying him!!!hahaha... how's tat?!! so now u koe y we call him 'bogey'?? the truth is out!! Case Closed!
Below are their names respectively::::::: the below hand gestures symbolise tat all of us r --- hiiiigggghhhh!!!!! Introducing:: Mr Shy Guy!!! no idea y Din just doesnt want to take picture?! He aint the God of Gambler?!!!!
the 2 drunkards r riding!!! Catch them!! eddy n me just adores our lovely food!! the rest? cant be bothered, cuz too hungry already!!! One of the Sundays, where all of us went to relac at EAST COAST... Ya, I koe I m overly dressed!!! cuz I came from Tekong's wedding dinner!!!!!!! DUH!!!!! I too feel weird in tat dressing style when I m in East Coast!!! So stop reminding me!!!! Tekong's Wedding!!! Let's guess who's turn next?? hee..hee... Known him for like god koes how long, finally see him getting married!! feel so happy!! When can I get to play with little tekong n little catherine??----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY VIRGIN 'LIVE' SOCCER MATCH @ National Stadium!!! Well, those who koe me koes tat I m just not into the green patch of field n the black n white ball! Ironically, I went to 1... Nick bought a ticket for me n together with this 'I love Singapore' flashing light T-shirt!!!
After he bought it, he ask me to go!!! Isnt it like alil - 'duh'??!!!!
Anyway, I try to be 'siao on' about it la... so I went with him, wearing the 'I love Singapore' T-shirt!!! Can u imagine??
Honestly I cant!!!!
Well, the whole match or atmosphere turned out to be still quite positive. I dun feel boring... instead I felt excited through out the match!! haha..
The ambience was.... woo-hooo!!!
Your hair will stand man!! Though I dun like Singapore, still I gave them my support. Well, the result turns out to be rather disappointing.
I wonder wat if my ah lau is still in the soccer league... I will definitely go support him lo!!! haha..
I cannot help it but keep on staring at this No. 11 ass!!! Fucking jackass man!!!! I tink can put a glass of water on his ass without toppling!! Think shouldnt be a problem!!! hahaha
I can REALLY feel the stressed of being the footballer!!! Imagine, if u were to miss a shot or watever or do something silly, the whole stadium tat is filled with like thousands of people will just boo at u!!!
How stressful is tat huh??
ZOUK OUT 2008!!!
Date / Time : / 4:25 PM
Sorry for the super duper late uploads!! So here we r.... . . . . .
ZOUK OUT 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waited for this Zouk Out like dunno how long! Only been able to attend when I resigned from nightlife!!! kekeke...
Masrawi been very kind to give me the ticket! So immediately I gathered afew friends to join for this massive event! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally tat day have arrived!!! so excited!!! hopefully it will be good! Mas n his 2 other friends, too bad Mahat gotta work at CDM!! We mit Ian n his friends at Sentosa! Luckily his friends just nice got a chalet, therefore we can put our stuff there if not, hah! While waiting dunno which way to go, suddenly from quite a distance there is tis crazy bitch screaming n shouting at me!! She ran in her top speed n gave me a hug.. guess who? Ms Vain - Susan!! hahahaha... End up I was shouting together with her! haha... The best part, before she join back her gang, she gave me a squeeze on my tits!! I'm like duh?!!!!But ok la, is nice to have people like her!!! Damn siao on! I like!! haha..
there she is, the crazy bitch!! kekeke...Just simply lurve her n her attitude!!!Those people dressed in white which I labelled them as the SPERM-MEN, r actually the promoters for 42 below vodlka! They walked up n down to create awareness in lines of 2... so infact if u were to view from a top building they really just look at sperms!! hahaha..
I would say: Crazy Sperms?? haha... Before we set our foot in the section for dancing, I was pestering them for the lanyard!!!! So in the end, I find all ways n mean just to get it!! kekeke... End up, Mas n me go searching for it!! keke...
Then after tat we joined them at the MAMBO section!! Like duh?!! Even if u dun hear the music, all u have to do is to see their hand gesture n then u will koe for sure tat is the MAMBO area!!!"I can be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky....." "I can be so lucky in love...."
"Wo-oo oo oh oh.... square rooms" "Wo-oo oo oh oh... square rooms"
"Together forever n never to part... together forever we two.." "And dun u koe... I would move heaven n earth..." "To be together forever with u..."keke....
We walked up n down, up n down.... trying to find for the RnB section which claimed by someone tat there is... till all of us just sit down n rot!!
I expected the zouk out to be like super happening but end up still ok only... yah, all the time she got nuthing to do but to cover n buried people feet with sand!!Highlight of the night??
Wat's new? But fire works...here is a few shots of it: Oh well, is my virgin time to ZOUK OUT, well i guess if u r not a beach party lover, u wont like it. n I tink I m not one...
kekeke.... but it was quite an experience for me la....
Massive event, too many people, too many familiar faces...... keke...
Date / Time : Friday, January 2, 2009 / 4:49 AM
So sorry guys for not updating my blog recently... Not tat busy but just lazy to do... u koe uploading of pictures n haf to edit them n blah blah blah... lotsa hard work to do!
[or rather juz finding exuses for myself! hee..hee]
I promise I will do them so soon...tat will include all the pictures tat I last took them, including a soccer match tat Nick 'forced' me to go n watch with him!! Ppl who koe me koes tat I m not into 'balls' so ask me to go watch soccer match? huh! tat is so out-of-tis-world thingy but in the end I still went!
haha... so ironic!
aite.. *yawn* got so fucking wasted yesterday! so gotta catch my sleep! So lacked of sleep man! Since the time tat I resigned from my nitelife job n super hardcore partying at wherever, mostly at St.James la!!! kekeke... with a bunch of hardcore kampung 'partiers'! hahaha..
Trust me, I will definitely upload my pics soon! So be patient!!!
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