thy blog owner.
Welcome to my tiny world of escapades! I am a self-derived party animal.
Vibrant colours, House Music are my absolute loves..
To indulge in an explosive ride of the dissonance diffusion of lights & sounds tat where ever it may brings is a hidden adrenaline... !!!
So anybody is welcome to join me!
BTW, I m just a plain jane.....w/o the needs of artificial implements to make or feel pretty,
Cuz I feel good abt myself. Love Me or Hate Me, just dun copy me!! Be it directly or indirectly!
Have a life of ur own!
Soaring through, through the night.
Skyway Avenue - We The Kings
hear your voice baby.
A tag would be nice. :D
Thanks for leaving ur bitchy gossips. Do add more!
its a big big world.
my faded memories.
spontaneous applauds
Date / Time : Sunday, May 24, 2009 / 8:51 PM
Last weekend was fucking crazy!!
There was honest and indecent accidents! Was at living room on Friday with Sue n Is. Was having so much fun tat I actually able to dance in front of my ah lau!! Can u imagine? People who know me, knows that there is no way that I could dance infront of my ah lau!! But I could actually do tat!! hahaha... I was like totally hacked care already n just dance all the way! Halfway through, there is some shit happen! Lights were on at living room, as usual there is a random spot check. Sianz.. was such a turn off!!
But nevertheless I still enjoyed myself!
On Sat, Sue invited us to her house for makan. She cooked assam pedas ikan pari!! After having a few hours of rest from the night before, about 6 plus in the evening, ah bi n me went down to her house. That was the first time that I saw my ah lau had 3 plates of rice!!! n I had 2 plates. Just imagine how nice was that?!
oooooooo.... sedap nia....
Even when I burbs, there is still the taste of that assam pedas ikan pari!!! hahaha.. ya, I koe tat is gross but who cares?! hhahaha...
After finish eating, Sue gotta put her kids to bed before we can head to living room.
Was really hard work man, just to put the kids to bed! Aint kidding!!
Ah lau gotta go to Bellini first cuz he was spinning there. So it was also the first time tat I head down to living room w/o my ah lau spining there. Kinda feel naked though!! hahaha...
Was supposed to mit another friend of mine, we were supposed to go to the F1 Pit Party. But guess wat?
Initially said will come n picked us up at about 12 plus, then end up we head down to living room first... n after about 3 plus, called him again n said he is coming in 20 minutes times.. but end up we waited till close to 5am!!!
Despite all the waitig, it was worthwhile cuz was really enjoyed ourselves!
Ah lau came back from bellini to living room n fetch us to the F1 pit together with my tat friend.
Was having nice music cuz was DJ Darren Emerson playing. Halfway through, there is this angmoh who seems kinda lost... got blood stained behind his back. n guess wat?
There is a piece of bottled glass got stuck at his back near his kidney position!!! Eeeekkkkkssss.....
But he can still continue dancing!! Totally numb! Until there is someone who reported to the security about the incident then he was being asked to leave!
Fucking gross n sick boy!!!!
Almost 3/4 of the people at the F1 party was smoking in the building durinf the party! Just like the good old days!!!! Damn nice lo that kind of feeling! By right it was not supposed to do that! But, who cares when everybody is fucking enjoying! Even the security cant do anything!!! hahahaha
After the party, we send Sue n Is back. Because her food taste damn good, I requested to ta bao her food back home! hee hee... Back home, I tot can heat up n cooked alil bit of rice but end up the electricity of my block got tripped! Damn SIANZ>> till about 7 plus in the night then it was being fixed! Damn fucking du-lan!
How to trust those government people?!
Angry lo!
Just Another Same Old Day with a different feel....
Date / Time : Thursday, May 21, 2009 / 4:13 PM
Hi hi ppl... 1st of all I wanna apologise to my dearies for not able to attend the Crystal Jade Steamboat buffet last Tuesday. Due to stomach upset.
So sorry guys... I'll make it up to u the next time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next, wanna say thank you to my ah bi for being so sweet n understanding to my nonsense n my naggy-ness!! haha...
Being together in a 5 year relationship aint easy. Break off n patch back seems like a normal process in a relationship. But being able to patch back n make it seems like being in love with the same person all over again is another different story. Though we have been through shit n rough times, still he is able to make that happen. Everybody has their own flaws, tat includes him as well, to be able to tahan all his shit, first got to tahan urs. Then things would be able to sail smoothly. So tats y I m happy now even though he always call me auntie! keke... Back together with him, allows me to explore all the serious-ness n the crazy-ness in life.
Fun + Serious + Love + Silly + Honesty + Arguements = Healthy n Loving Couple Saying all these is not to make people jealous, showing off or for ppl to envy me but to let him know how I truely feel after wat happen. Even though now, we may not be leading a luxurious lifestyle, we r contented with wat we have.
No money to eat high quality steak, nvm we can always eat beef cube. No money to eat at high class restaurant, nvm we can always cook at home. No money to enjoy going on a trip, nvm we can always take a slow stroll after dinner around the neighbourhood. No money to even catch movie at a cinema, there is always online movies. No money to go party at other places, nvm my ah bi is an entertainer.
Sometimes in a relationshp is not always about money.
The equation is not: Money + Liking of the person then Love n Getting Used to the person comes next Of course money is important. But if most of the times fall out due to money then I believe tat is not sincere n genuine.
"Money cannot buy true n real love Money cannot buy true n real fun n happiness Money cannot buy friends Money cannot buy a partner"
This is what I feel n think. Is just like friends. Doesnt matter where is the place to go, so long the company that u r with kicks the 'FUN' department is fulfilled.
Ya looo... so tats y I dun mind being his auntie!! hahahaha....
5 years ago (BEFORE) 5 years later (AFTER)
Just like my title:
Just Another Same Old Day With A Different Feel..........
Date / Time : Tuesday, May 12, 2009 / 8:50 AM
Hey morning ppl!! Its been a long long time since I woke up feeling fresh n so early in the morning!!! *grin*
Anyway, I was reading some articles n I came across this word. Kinda interesting so tot wanna introduce a new word to u. It's called: 'FRENEMY'
Translation: An enemy disguised as a friend, or a friend who is also a competitor. This friendship while possibly mutually beneficial or dependent, is also one tainted by hostility and mistrust.
Eg: (1) Just look at Paris Hilton n Niccole Richie. From BFFs to frenemies. (2) Janice Dickinson's - The Janice Dickinson Modelling Agency - looks set to challenge Tyra Banks' - America'sNext Top Model -
Ever sounded or look familiar with reference to your situation??
Think about it!
Infact there are lots of these kind of people out there. Disguished as ur so-called BEST FRIEND, but the actual fact is that they are out there to tarnish/compete u! N that is wat u call - 'COMPETITION', 'JEALOUSY', 'ENVY', 'I CAN BE PRETTIER, BETTER, SEXIER, MORE CAPABLE THAN U' -
Afterall, u think about it. Wat for?
They r just the 'GREEN-EYED MONSTERS'!!
End up wat u get is nuthing but just only a self satisfaction in which is (or properbly) not know to others.
If u set urself a challenge against ur friend, n end up u lost in ur own battle, n tats where u will start feeling all emo, stress, dun feel good, need a break, dark period etc.. n all sorts of attention-seeking nonsense will come. Or if not, they will try to take the short cut just to be better than you. wateva shortcut that they can think n capable of.
They just cannot stand seeing u better than them!
At this moment, think twice about tis friend. Whether r they really ur true friend or just someone who is a 'gladiator' trying to defend n defeat for his/her own world to yours.
R they worth ur time n effort in sustaining the friendship? -think about it-
Sometimes if u take a while n think about the actions tat is being pratice by people, is rather FUNNY, FOOLISH, SILLY, IMMATURE, CHILDISH. To summarize it, is call drama-mama!!
(think it sound nicer to be name tat!)
Well, unfortunately there r people like tat on this planet. Be it the gals or the guys.
It doesnt jut apply to one sex, but to both sexes!!
Have a good laff n good day to all!
Date / Time : Wednesday, May 6, 2009 / 7:05 AM
Sometimes people r just so hard to please.
Communication is important towards human to human. Without proper communication can always lead to misunderstanding n miscommunication.
Misunderstanding always revolve within people internally when u already know wat is it going on but refused to say it all out just because of what? EGO is the answer!!!!
so sad to know tat...
i strongly believed that people like them just wont grow up till the day they die. or maybe even not!! sigh...
pls la.. people grow up la!
if u think tat life is just all about beautifying urself n tryin to make this pratical world into your little dreamy fairyland.. then u might as well dun try to act like as if u have grown? Why bother? Is just only a wastage of natural resources!!!
Be contended with wat u have, take everything as natural as it is cuz this is wat we r the day when we r born. Thank god for the perfection body n everything tat given to us when we first open our eyes n cry. Dun change tat, cuz if u do, then u will be UN-NATURAL!!!! What is the best thing tat is being natural?
Date / Time : / 3:03 AM
YoZ!!!!!! I M BACK!!!! Anybody give a missed about me?? *grin* Well, after a super super long rest from my blog, all due because I have my exams going on, I seems to have lost touch with the outside world!! -tis shows how commited I m to my studies- [ya, like real] haha... Exams finished n guess what? The most sianz part is..... waiting for the damn result that could get me siting on the toilet bowl for like hours!! haha... But then again, I will have to worry abt tat later in the days to come la! So for now:::as is show by my display nick on msn - [Party = Happening = Fun = Havoc = Crazy = Wild= High = Drink = Drank Drunk = No limitation] My philosophy for now till school starts! Sianz I koe... Been behaving like auntie for this period of time. Cooking, washing clothes, cleaning n tidying the house, been eagerly digging out all receipes from my dear mommy, checking n comparing prices between supermarkets, havin to clench my nose in the wet markets, updating of my personal home inventory, taking care internally n externally of my sayang, once in a week will go back home to own home to visit my parents etc... Tell me, m I not behaving like an auntie? haha.. Oh forgot to mention... n the only leisure activities is getting a few friends to gather in the house for a round of mahjong session till the wee hours! Parties? Forget about it during tat period. Gotta limit myself u koe? As ur age is catching up, gradually u will just feel so sianz of partying. I feel otherwise when Yeo Tekong my bro tell me this like dunno how many damn donkey years back when Devil's bar is still the boom-town-charlie-days!! BUT now I can really feel tat boy!! Time waits for no one. The earth will not stop revolving just because u want to get the feel like back in those era. So while I've yet to reach tat age of really really toning down of my havoc life, I gotta do something about it man! Which is - - - - - Party while I still have the feel n engery to do so! Till the day when I m flat, I will broadcast it on my blog! [which I think probably will be 10 or 20 years down the road la! Cuz I still wanna be a havoc + happening + loving mum!!] The kind of mum that I wan to be:: 1. put on my headphone when I m cooking, doing house work. 2. party with my kids 3. educate them with the kind of music tat my sayang is playing, so that in future they will not be label as 'the oldies' 4. a loving, caring, still maintain my hot-temper, showering my kids with lotsa love but not over protective mum 5. during their toddler days, they will be fed till like mini michellin tyres! 6. treat my kids like my best friend same goes to my sayang 7. if i got a maid, i will work together with my maid instead of bullying her!! tat should be all la as of now.. Wa! u think is easy job? Wahahaha!!!! I doubt so! But I will give my best shot in working towards my future! Everybody on this earth ultimately needs a loving home full of warmth n love. Tell me who dun? *grin* Sometimes is good to laid back for a period of time, so that u will know how much that u have missed about ur social life n how much u have been missed by the people surrounding u in that kind of ambience!! At least u will still know wat is ur market value! haha... Oooohhh.. market value is a very very important tool to test ur magnetism field! Dun u all just agree with me?? Pls say YES!!! Dun DENY!!! So people!!! M going to start my havoc life soon before get commited to my part time job! Therefor no time shall be wasted n PARTY TO THE MAX people!!!!!!!!! Woo-hoooooo!!!!!!! Counting down to the day when I go go havoc! n..... that will be in 2 days time!!!!!!!!!! Bye.. PS: by then not so much of typing n words tat will get my eyes tangled by pictures will just do the talking!!!!! CIAOZ!!!!!!!
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