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Welcome to my tiny world of escapades! I am a self-derived party animal.
Vibrant colours, House Music are my absolute loves..
To indulge in an explosive ride of the dissonance diffusion of lights & sounds tat where ever it may brings is a hidden adrenaline... !!!
So anybody is welcome to join me!

BTW, I m just a plain jane.....w/o the needs of artificial implements to make or feel pretty,
Cuz I feel good abt myself. Love Me or Hate Me, just dun copy me!! Be it directly or indirectly!
Have a life of ur own!

Soaring through, through the night.
Skyway Avenue - We The Kings

hear your voice baby.
A tag would be nice. :D

Thanks for leaving ur bitchy gossips. Do add more!

its a big big world.
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ting -
wen -
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Sandra Goh -

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    spontaneous applauds
    Layout: materialisti-c
    Inspirations: exquisite♥

    Something to share...
    Date / Time : Saturday, March 26, 2011 / 11:09 PM

    Addiction Recovery-How To Help A Loved One


    One of the most tough situations anyone will face is attempting to assist a family member with their addiction. We tend to faced with the reality that the life of somebody we tend to love goes right down the rest room unless something is done. Since our addicted loved one doesn\'t appear to be doing anything, we tend to naturally feel the need to step in and bail them out. As noble as this looks, it\'s a recipe for disaster with most addicts. In this text, we\'ll navigate the dangerous waters of addiction to help you save the life of your beloved without drowning yourself.

    Nature Of Addiction: The basic nature of addiction could be a lie we addicts tell ourselves. Typically, we have a tendency to feel something is missing in us that makes us feel inadequate in some way. The lie we have a tendency to tell ourselves is that a drink or alternative substance or action can fill that void and make us feel whole, if solely temporarily. Sadly, the opening in us is ever expanding as we see ourselves more and additional captivated with a addictive substance to feel complete, so it takes additional of the substance to try to to what it did before. Unless a dramatic change takes place in the manner we addicts see ourselves, we have a tendency to / will go from one substance to a different to attempt and fill the vacuum our lives have become.

    Don\'t Believe A Word An Addict Says: It is not that your beloved desires to deceive you or allow you to down in any way. They hate it when that happens, despise themselves even more, in additional they would like their addictive substance even more, as a result. It\'s that the substance has become who they are. They feel the substance is essential to survival, so, when forced to form a selection between their loved one or their substance, most addicts choose their substance. As a result of of the need for the substance, the one talent addicts hone to perfection is the employment of deception and manipulation thus they can get a lot of of their substance. We have seen the love of countless family members be used against them and their higher judgment simply thus the addict will get a lot of it. If the one you love promises to quit/change, to induce employment, if you may 'help' them out just this once a lot of, don\'t believe it. Believe what they are doing, not what they say. If they voluntarily quit and check themselves into a program, have hope, but do not believe till you see a solid diary of clean and sober. After you insist on seeing solid proof, you\'re serving to your beloved perceive what it may take.

    Set Solid Boundaries: This is often where your facilitate is required most. By setting solid boundaries and being inflexible to their pressure, you show your addicted loved one how vital it is to measure at intervals those boundaries. Addicts are simply like spoiled children. They will pressure you with lies, tantrums, withholding love, no matter it takes to induce what they need out of you. Once they need it, you won\'t hear from them again till they have one thing else. If your boundary is solid, simply like a child, your addicted loved one can feel additional secure and additional loved. Clearly, the foremost vital boundary with an addiction is to quit. If you have got an acquaintance staying with you and there\'s no condition that they quit their addiction, you have got no boundary. If your loved one is not staying with you however asks for help every now and then, the boundary should be the same...quitting. It\'s not love to convey a kid everything it wants...it\'s abuse.

    To Help Them Do not Help Them: We have a tendency to\'ve heard from many family members who felt they weren\'t contributing to their loved one\'s addiction...simply helping them survive. As painful as it is, if you\'ve got a loved one therefore smitten by medicine or alcohol that they need your facilitate for food, clothes or housing, the worst thing you\'ll be able to do is offer those things to them. It makes it easier for them to be an addict. By serving to support them, we are enabling them to use whatever money they get from alternative sources to shop for their need. The only method we can facilitate them whereas they are using is to allow them to fall flat on their faces. Allow them to feel each bit of the pain and wretchedness their selections have brought them to. The a lot of pain they feel, the additional willing they will be to try to to what it takes to urge clean. We don\'t recognize where the 'bottom' is for our loved ones. This can be why the waters of addiction are treacherous. Typically, when you\'re making an attempt to save someone they pull you under.

    If we love them, we have a tendency to will not believe them, we tend to will set firm boundaries and we have a tendency to will not help them as long as they\'re abusing a substance. True love is expressed by doing and saying, not what your loved ones want, but what they need...even if it means losing their love.